Texas Cichlid

Theme area:  Amazonía
Scientific name:  Herichthys carpintis
Class:  Fish
Continent:  North America
Habitat:  Rivers, marshes, swamps and lakes
Diet:  Omnivore
Weight:  /
Size:  hasta 30 cm
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Texas Cichlids live in rivers and lagoons with clear water and usually sandy substrates.

During breeding seasons, the female takes care of the eggs and fry and the male defends the territory against aggressors. The Texas Cyclid has very interesting colouring, which varies depending on the stage it is in. It is usually a grey cichlid, with blue or metallic green spots. When mating or courting, the male takes on the very distinctive colours of this species, turning white from its head to mid-body and the other half dark.

Conservation Status
Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated
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