Caique de cabeza negra

Theme area:  Bosque de los Saimiris
Scientific name:  Pionites melanocephalus
Class:  Birds
Continent:  South America
Habitat:  Bosque Tropical
Diet:  Omnívoro
Weight:  130 - 170 gr
Size:  23 - 25 cm
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Where is the habitat of this bird located?

The distribution of caiques covers a large territory in South America. They are divided between Guyana, southern Colombia, northern Venezuela and a large part of Brazil. Black-headed caiques (Pionites melanocephalus) tend to be abundant in these countries, while white-breasted caiques (Pionites leucogaster) are found in southern Ecuador, northern Peru and Bolivia. They live in terrestrial lowland rainforests and terra firme forests. However, they are most commonly found in varea forests. These forests are prone to flooding and have high humidity. 

Who is this bird?

They live and travel in pairs and in monospecific family groups of 10 or more. Their groups congregate in the forest canopy and spend most of the day eating and resting. They engage in grooming behaviour and are generally very sociable. Their diet is based on fruits such as apples, oranges, and grapes. These animals are also fond of sunflower, wheat, canaryseed and hemp seeds. Females lay about 3 eggs, which are incubated for 26 days before hatching. The life expectancy of this species is 15-20 years. 

Estado de Conservación
Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


have a small but heavy body and their short wings prevent them from travelling long distances.
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